Hair, Hair 101

Retaining Your Hair’s Length: Tip #1 Low Manipulation

There are a few things people ask about when it comes to natural hair and retaining its length. Over the next few days here are some helpful reminders on how you can stay on track to growing a healthy mane. Implementing these changes may not happen immediately but these tips could help you over time to get through hair obstacles by recognizing mistakes and how to correct them by instilling better habits. It’s always a work in progress when it comes to our hair 🙂

This comes down to a variety of things such as heat styling, combing, or even detangling your hair. Curly hair and kinks can be a bit on the fragile side and therefore the less you manipulate it the better. When blow drying or combing the hair be sure to start at the ends of hair working up to the roots. Protective styling such as braids, flat twists, bun styles or installing extensions allows hair to have a break from the daily wear and tear of styling or heat application.

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