Hair, Hair 101

3 Foods for Stronger Curls via CurlBox

“Check out these three hair super foods!

AVOCADO: No surprise here, right? The fruit can be eaten and used on your hair as a protein mask. When eaten, it works wonders at alleviating facial redness and irritation. It is also anti-inflammatory because of the Omega-9 fats, which help repair a dry scalp.

BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES: Have you heard of this one? This molasses contains 14 percent of our RDI of copper, an important trace mineral whose peptides help rebuild the skin structure that supports healthy hair. All you need is one serving size, which is two tablespoons.

WALNUTS: Walnuts contain an incredibly high amount of omega-3 fatty acids and they’re rich in biotin and vitamin E. Keep a little baggy of nuts with you when you snack on throughout the day.

What superfoods do you eat”? –

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